The Northlenning!

Belive in it!

Make a wish and place it in your heart,
anything you want... everything you want.
Do you have it? ... good! Now belive it can come true! You never know when the next miracle is gonna come, from the next smile... the next wish come true!
But if you belive that its right around the corner,
then you open your heart and mind and possibility of it, to the certainty of it!
You just might get the thing you wishing for.
The world is full of magic, you just have to belive in it. So, make you a wish. Do you have it?
Good! Now, belive in it... with all your heart!

2 Responses to “Belive in it!”

  1. # Blogger sirBull

    Liker at du oppdaterer ofte Lena :D  

  2. # Anonymous Lena

    jeg lofte jo deg d:) er ganske imponert over meg selv egentlig:p  

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